Sand Mining
In Bundelkhand’s illegal sand mining ecosystem, journalists (and others) are paid for their silence
Khabar Lahariya
Madhya Pradesh: Journalist investigating illegal sand mining cases run over by dumper in Bhind
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Illegal sand mining threatens winter habitat of black-necked Tibetan cranes in Tawang
Tongam Rina
Andhra Pradesh reporter who was trying to expose illegal sand mining beaten with iron rods
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The new oil? The global battle for sand is getting ugly
Nick Meynen
Karnataka: Udupi deputy commissioner says the sand mining mafia tried to murder her
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Watch: The world is actually running out of sand, and there's not much we can do about it
Scroll Staff
The lid on illegal sand mining in TN might finally be lifted (but perhaps for the wrong reasons)
M Rajshekhar
Sand mining in Tamil Nadu is incredibly destructive – but it's also unstoppable
M Rajshekhar
Think sand mining damages the ecology? It ruins politics as well
M Rajshekhar
Politicians aren't only messing with Tamil Nadu's water – they're making Rs 20,000 crore from sand
M Rajshekhar
Why countries along the Mekong river need to come together to preserve its silt
Marc Goichot